Tag Archives: one two buckle my shoe

Latest Agatha Christies…

10 Jul

I read three Agatha Christie books in the last week- that makes up half of my total read books for the week! I’ve been trying to make a point to alternate- one Christie, one other, etc. They’re just so addicting!

Sad Cypress- I got shades of Dorothy L. Sayer’s Strong Poison in this. A woman is on trial for murder, and a man in love with her tries to find evidence of her innocence. Lord Peter Wimsey helped Harriet Vane, but in this case, country doctor Peter Lord (see the names?) enlists Poirot’s help for Elinor Carlisle. This book was kind of on the sad side. Elinor was obviously depressed, her aunt died and her fiance fell in love with another woman. Then the other woman dies and Elinor is accused of both her murder and her aunt’s. It had romance in it but unlike some of Christie’s other books it has a much more realistic ending- nothing cheesy here.

Did I solve it? Yes, I figured practically EVERYTHING out.

My Rating: 10/10

One, Two, Buckle my Shoe- Poirot’s dentist is found shot in the head. Was it suicide, or is it something larger at play? This book wasn’t bad, but it’s far from being one of my favorites. I found Poirot’s thoughts while at the dentist’s office to be really amusing, but like I’ve said before- I’m just not that crazy about her books that take on international intrigue. I like ’em straight and cozy.

Did I solve it? Not really. I played with different ideas, and the correct solution was one of them, but it doesn’t really count.

My Rating: 6/10

Evil Under the Sun- Poirot vacationing at the seaside. None of his vacations are ever free from murder. Like Death on the Nile and Triangle at Rhodes, this one concerns a love triangle where beautiful wife is murdered. This was an enjoyable read, but I thought it was a bit too similar to the other stories I just mentioned. They’re not all carbon copies of each other or anything, but I guess I just needed more time in between these books to appreciate this one more.

Did I solve it? Partly.

My Rating: 8/10